Faulty heating cables? Don't tear up the floor - we can repair!

We use advanced thermography to localise and repair the fault.

The bathroom is considered the most expensive room in the house. Repairing a heating cable can be costly if you have to break up tiles, parquet floors, cobblestones or asphalt. Using our thermography technician saves customers and insurance companies large sums of money every year. Lower your shoulders - we can repair your heating cable for a low cost.

  • We find the exact location of the fault with our specialised tool
  • We can pick up a tile, or repair the fault right where it is - without major intervention
  • For the homeowner, it will be very profitable to repair rather than having to tear up, for example, the entire bathroom floor

Localise the error
The fault is often located in one place, but affects the entire heating surface. By identifying the point where the fault is located, you don't have to tear up the entire tyre.

Good advice and expertise
An authorised thermography technician from Ringjord Elektro can provide advice and often tell you what type of insurance may apply to you, as well as how to proceed with the insurance company.

Thermography can be used preventively by detecting faults before the situation becomes critical. Thermography can detect overloads and overheating in connections, which in turn can lead to damage or fire in electrical panels and buildings.

Final report
Once we have completed the thermography, we prepare a final report showing the condition of your system.

Get in touch!
Feel free to contact us on 77 66 61 00 or send us an email at [email protected]


The duty telephone is available outside normal opening hours until 24:00, 7 days a week. In the event of an emergency call-out, additional costs and fees will apply.

Ring soil - a safe choice.

Postal and visiting address:
Eidvegen 696, 9105 Kvaløya
