
Automation for industry and commerce in the north

Ringjord has a high level of expertise and extensive experience across the entire spectrum of automation services for industry and commerce.

We can help you all the way from planning to handover of the finished installation - and provide you with the service you need in the years to come.

Smarter. Simpler. Better. Automation is about optimising and improving everything from production lines to control systems in industry and society. 

There are rapid developments in all types of automation, and we are proud to be at the forefront. Our skilled professionals assist industrial and commercial customers throughout our region, with the same values that Ringjord is known for: Safety. Quality. Predictability.

Industrial and commercial automation
Automation of processes in industrial and commercial facilities often provides companies with major financial benefits in the form of reduced costs, greater reliability, increased production and simpler operation. It is not uncommon for investments in automation to pay for themselves within a short period of time.

Building automation
Whether it's a new building or a renovation project, building automation is now a central part of the process. From management and control of the technical systems in a building, to energy optimisation and advanced SD systems that give the homeowner full control over the building's many electrical components. We can help with the entire spectrum from planning to fully installed solutions.

Glenn Hansen
Head of department Automation

Tel. 91 90 90 37
[email protected]




Electrical installation


Contact information

Glenn Hansen
Head of department Automation

Tel. 91 90 90 37
[email protected]


The duty telephone is available outside normal opening hours until 24:00, 7 days a week. In the event of an emergency call-out, additional costs and fees will apply.

Ring soil - a safe choice.

Postal and visiting address:
Eidvegen 696, 9105 Kvaløya