Prices and general payment terms
and terms of delivery in business relationships



Hourly rate excl. VAT.



Ship electrician


Electrician without material responsibility *




automation engineer


Fire alarm technician


Marine electronics


Travel service car allowance within 30km


Supplement per km. beyond 30km

kr. 11,25,-

Invoice costs

kr. 90,-

Maritime call-out fee. A minimum of 2 hours of work is invoiced for call-outs according to the current overtime tariff.


* Applies when the customer has procured material that can be used. This is ONLY done by agreement with the customer and the surcharge will normally be 1/3 of the current hourly rate.

1. Introduction

The general terms and conditions below apply to deliveries from Ringjord Elektro AS in commercial relationships, and cover all services provided by the supplier, including electrical work, delivery of electrical equipment and materials and installation of such equipment. 

For purchases or assignments that in whole or in part are not to be regarded as commercial relationships in accordance with the above, Ringjord Elektro AS's "General terms of delivery and payment in consumer relationships" apply. 

Business conditions:       Transactions/services that take place in business, e.g. between business organisations and other legal entities or institutions. 

The supplier:          Ringjord Elektro AS, 925573779. 

Customers:                    The person who purchases services and/or goods from the supplier. 

The parties:                     The supplier (or contractor) and the customer (or buyer). 

The service:                 Performing work on the installation of equipment and materials. 

Products:                        Equipment and materials sold by the supplier.

Delivery:                Performance of services and/or delivery of goods. 

The Supplier's general terms of delivery and payment are part of the contractual relationship between the parties and will apply in full unless deviations have been agreed in writing or other mandatory rules under commercial law apply. 

Any appendices, quotations and order confirmations also form part of the contractual relationship between the parties. Furthermore, any amendment agreements and minutes from meetings and other relevant documents will form part of the agreement. 

An agreement is deemed to have been entered into when any agreement/contract is signed, the Customer accepts a quotation, the Supplier's written order confirmation or when delivery/assignment has commenced. 

Provisions such as daily allowance require further agreement. 

Our hourly rate for an electrician is NOK. 1100, - excl. VAT (NOK 1375, - incl. VAT). Time spent is calculated round trip to and from the office and the place of assignment and is rounded up to the nearest half hour. If the customer has procured materials that can be used (cf. section 20), the right to increase the hourly rate is reserved. This is only done by agreement with the customer and the price increase will normally be approx. 1/3 of the current hourly rate. 1390, - (NOK 1735, - incl. VAT)

In the event of cancellation of all or part of the assignment after the agreement has been signed, 10 % of the remaining contract value will be invoiced as a cancellation fee. 

The Supplier is entitled to carry out a credit check of the Customer and to cancel/cancel the assignment without liability if the Customer is not creditworthy. 

If a price has not been specifically agreed for each sale or assignment, the customer will be invoiced on the basis of the supplier's current price for services and goods at the time of delivery. Services are invoiced on the basis of time spent and specified materials. 

Travelling time to/from the place of assignment is invoiced at the same hourly rate as for the performance of the assignment. Any expenses/allowances (e.g. parking) will be added. Unless otherwise agreed in the service/framework agreement, attendance with a service vehicle will be invoiced at NOK. 392 ex. VAT per assignment, up to 30 kilometres. Our service vehicles mainly contain the materials and tools used for normal servicing. For driving beyond 30 kilometres, we charge NOK. 11.25 ex. VAT per kilometre.

All prices stated in this document are as of today's date. Prices are normally adjusted on 1 May each year.

For loyal and good customers, we can offer special discounts on hourly rates and materials.

Unless otherwise agreed, assignments/services will be invoiced with 14 days' payment due date from the invoice date. For assignments lasting more than one day, the Supplier may invoice the Customer on account every 15 days for services provided, including in this case with 14 days' payment due date. 

The Supplier may suspend all work in the event of non-payment of an a-account invoice. 

In the event of late payment, the supplier may charge interest in accordance with the Act on Interest on Late Payment when the claim is not honoured when due. Interest runs from the due date. A demand for payment may be sent using electronic communication. 

Any complaint for non-material defects does not release the Customer from the obligation to pay. Nor may the Customer set off disputed counterclaims relating to the same or other deliveries.

Invoices are sent to the customer's specified e-mail address. Invoices can also be sent as EHF if the customer so wishes. If the customer wishes to receive a paper invoice or an EHF invoice, the customer must notify [email protected] no later than at the start of the assignment. A reasonable invoice fee will be charged when issuing and sending a paper invoice.

The Supplier has a sales pledge on - and the right of ownership of - all delivered and demountable goods until the entire purchase price has been paid in full, subject to the mandatory limitations that may result from the Mortgage Act. 

Neither the supplier nor the customer provides security, unless otherwise specifically agreed between the parties. 

Goods to be shipped to the customer are considered delivered when the supplier has shipped the goods or delivered them to the carrier. 

Goods that the supplier is to bring to the customer are considered delivered when the goods are delivered to the customer's specified delivery address. The same applies to goods that the supplier is to assemble. 

When the goods have been delivered in accordance with the above, the risk for the goods has passed to the customer. The Supplier is nevertheless liable for damage to the goods that occurs during the Supplier's agreed assembly/installation of the goods and that is due to the Supplier's negligence. 

The Supplier shall commence installation work at the agreed time, provided that the Supplier has access to the installation site at the agreed time or during the agreed period, and the Customer has made arrangements for the installation work to be commenced and completed without risk of the work being delayed.

If a fixed price has been agreed, the supplier may invoice on the basis of current hourly rates for additional time spent due to the work site not being available, not being cleared and for waiting for other trades. 

Delays caused by the customer's circumstances will result in a corresponding postponement of the agreed delivery or takeover. If the installation work is delayed as a result of the customer not having ensured timely access to the installation site, or not having facilitated the conditions for commissioning and completion without the risk of the work being delayed, the supplier may postpone the work until the next time or period when the supplier has the opportunity to carry out the work. 

In the event of a significant delay on the part of the customer, and the customer is not required by the agreement to pay until after the service has been completed, the supplier may partially invoice the customer for work incurred to date, or at the time when the work must be assumed to have been completed without the delay. 

In addition, the Supplier may assert the rights and claims to which the Supplier is entitled under commercial law.

If delivery from the Supplier is significantly delayed, the Customer may by written notice give the Supplier a reasonable time limit for delivery. If the Supplier fails to meet such a deadline, the Customer may cancel the purchase. 

The Supplier's liability for damages is limited in the same way as for defects and damage, cf. clauses 15 and 16. 

Until acceptance of the services performed (including with installed equipment) has taken place, the Customer may demand changes to the agreed scope, design and execution of the delivery against payment. Claims for such changes must be made in writing and describe the changes required. 

The Supplier shall provide the Customer with written feedback on whether and how the change can be made and what consequences the change will have for price, delivery time and any other agreed conditions. 

The Supplier is entitled and obliged to make changes to the agreed delivery as a result of changes in laws, regulations and other provisions relevant to the delivery, and to demand such changes against payment. The same applies to changes in the interpretation of such rules. The Supplier shall provide the Customer with such information in writing as soon as possible. 

If it has been agreed that installed equipment or facilities shall be tested prior to acceptance, testing shall take place with both parties present. A protocol shall be drawn up in which any takeover is confirmed by the customer. The customer is not entitled to use the equipment or system until acceptance has been confirmed. 

If the Customer starts using the equipment or facility before taking over, taking over is deemed to be confirmed by the Customer from the first day of use. In this case, the Supplier's obligation to carry out testing is cancelled. 

Acceptance may take place even if some work remains to be done, provided that this is stated in the protocol from the testing of the system. If no testing of the system has been agreed prior to takeover, takeover is deemed to have taken place when the supplier has completed the work/installation and notified the customer that the equipment or system can be put into use. When takeover has taken place, the risk is transferred to the customer. 

All service and quotation jobs are documented with a final inspection and a declaration of conformity. These documents are filed in the property's own property folder and are a document of value for insurance purposes and in the event of a future sale.
Read more about this at which is your home's online service booklet. 
Alternatively, it can also be sent by email. This service is invoiced at NOK. 250,- ex. VAT.

Complaints must be made within a reasonable time after the fault or damage was discovered or could have been discovered. This is reported via the notification form on our website. 

The right to complain is valid for two years from delivery or acceptance, after which any liability for the supplier lapses, unless otherwise agreed in the individual contractual relationship. 

Provided that the complaint deadline has been met, the Supplier is obliged to remedy defects in the delivery that existed at the time of delivery or acceptance. The Supplier is entitled to remedy the defect. If the Supplier does not remedy the defect within a reasonable time, the Customer may, by written notice, grant the Supplier a reasonable deadline for remedying the defect. If the defect is nevertheless not rectified within such a given time limit, the Customer may have the defect rectified at the Supplier's expense, after having notified the Supplier, however, in such a way that the Supplier's liability is limited to the price reduction the Customer could have demanded from the Supplier. If the Supplier does not rectify the defect and the Customer does not allow the defect to be rectified in accordance with the above paragraph, the Customer may claim a price reduction corresponding to the difference between the value of the delivery with and without the defect. 

If rectification of the defect will require dismantling and installation that will entail intervention in something other than the delivery, the Customer shall be responsible for the work and the costs of such intervention. If the Supplier has given a guarantee for the delivery for a limited period, the Supplier's liability does not, however, include defects caused by abnormal or incorrect use or abnormal environmental conditions. 

Furthermore, any warranty liability does not cover normal wear and tear, or damage caused by things other than the delivery. 

The Customer may not cancel the agreement or claim compensation unless the Supplier has acted with gross negligence or wilful misconduct. 

The Supplier is not liable for defects beyond what follows above.

The Supplier is not liable for damage or loss caused by the delivery to other objects after delivery or acceptance has taken place, unless the Supplier has been grossly negligent or wilful. ∙ The Supplier's liability for damage or defects is in any event limited to the contract value and never includes liability for operating losses, lost profits or other consequential financial losses and indirect losses. 

If an unforeseen situation arises that is beyond the parties' dominion and control and which makes it impossible or unreasonably burdensome for the party concerned to fulfil agreed obligations, this agreement shall not be deemed to be in breach for as long as the situation persists. Force majeure includes fire, natural disasters, epidemics, shortage of transport and/or fuel, war, riots, lack of deliveries from subcontractors, etc. 

The party that is prevented by force majeure shall notify the other party of the situation without undue delay. 

In the event of force majeure on the part of the Customer, the Customer shall reimburse the expenses incurred by the Supplier in securing and protecting the delivery. Furthermore, the Customer shall reimburse the expenses incurred by the Supplier for personnel, subcontractors and equipment that, with the Customer's consent, are kept on standby to resume work on the delivery. 

If an event that is considered force majeure persists for more than six months, both parties may cancel the agreement with immediate effect. 

Information of a confidential nature that a party receives about the other party's business shall be kept strictly confidential. This applies to all information of a business, commercial, organisational, legal and technical nature. 

The duty of confidentiality also applies after this agreement has been finalised.

The duty of confidentiality does not apply to the extent that such information is necessary for the parties to fulfil their obligations under the contractual relationship.

Disputes that the parties are unable to resolve amicably shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of the Dispute Act.

We use materials from suppliers who guarantee good quality and price for their products. The price of materials may vary from company to company. Our retail price is based on the wholesaler's price lists.

If the customer has procured the material to be used, Ringjord Elektro AS can install it provided that the material has the necessary approvals and quality to suit the purpose. Material that does not have the necessary approvals and/or quality will not be installed.

Please note that Ringjord Elektro AS operates with a one-year warranty on work performed and materials delivered under commercial conditions. This service will not be available for materials purchased outside Ringjord Elektro AS.

Any fees to E-verk are not included in any quotation/fixed price/estimate. Such fees are thus incurred both on assignments carried out on account and on assignments carried out according to quotation/fixed price/estimate. Fees may be incurred for meter installation, intake/plug-in wiring work, power disconnection and increasing overload protection/main fuses. 

Any necessary communication with E-verk is included in the fixed price/quote/estimate. 

For assignments involving the repair of electrical systems following a report from the electricity utility, a fee of NOK 500, excluding VAT, will be charged for processing and submitting the report to the electricity utility, unless it is specified that this is included in any other contractual documents. 

The supplier takes care of the correct handling and delivery of EE waste to an authorised receiving station. 

The Customer must ensure that it pays for any rigging (storage, dining room, WC) and give the Supplier access to electricity and water consumption, unless it is specified that this is included in any other contractual documents. 

The supplier points out that new circuit breakers trip at the set load limit. With automatic fuses, the electrical system is safer than with screw fuses. In some cases, old screw fuses could withstand an overload of up to 30-40 % before tripping. New automatic fuses cannot withstand as much overload as old screw fuses. When replacing fuses, it may therefore be necessary to lay new courses. Any installation of new courses is carried out as invoiced work according to the current hourly rate, material price and service vehicle. 

If preliminary design is carried out by someone other than the Contractor, further design responsibility rests with the Contractor if this is expressly specified in the fixed price/quotation/estimate or contract. 

The Supplier shall submit the necessary documentation after the assignment has been completed. This includes any declaration of conformity, final inspection, etc. Please note that there is no requirement to submit a declaration of conformity for troubleshooting or simple replacement of sockets, switches, lamps, etc. ∙ The work performed must comply with applicable regulatory requirements and regulations and be carried out professionally and in accordance with general requirements for safety, functionality and craftsmanship. 

When working in residential units in housing co-operatives, the supplier is responsible for notifying each tenant/owner of the various works. Notice is given well in advance of any power cuts.


The duty telephone is available outside normal opening hours until 24:00, 7 days a week. In the event of an emergency call-out, additional costs and fees will apply.

Ring soil - a safe choice.

Postal and visiting address:
Eidvegen 696, 9105 Kvaløya
