About us
Ringjord is a company based in Eidkjosen, on Kvaløya island outside Tromsø, which was established in 1995. Today, approximately 30 employees work from here in the fields of electrical engineering, industry, automation and maritime ship electrical and electronics, as well as aquaculture and other maritime infrastructure.
Ringjord has been built brick by brick over 25 years, and is now a solid, reputable local company that offers a high level of professional expertise and provides services for private individuals, businesses, industry and the maritime sector.
Safety. Quality. Predictability.
For the first two years, Ringjord was a sole proprietorship, then an AS with Halgeir as the sole shareholder. Ringjord's first assignment was at Easter 1995. Installation at a cabin in Kattfjord on Kvaløya.
Every company has an easy start, including Ringjord.
It all started with a home office at the kitchen table, with all the challenges that entailed, and the concept of "thirst for sustenance" was the main slogan. It was also instructive to deal with the bank and public authorities and the demands they made. This learning and experience comes in handy in today's situation, where we have a functioning society with a good and professional public sector that makes an excellent contribution to society.
The programme in Ringjord was always on the rise. The living room table was replaced by the garage at Kvaløysletta, before moving on to Polarstrand Brygge at Åsland. The development was positive, and it gave Ringjord the opportunity to become the owner of the jetty. This eventually became too small and we moved to our own building in Eidkjosen, next door to Eide Handel.
We stayed there until this too became too cramped and we moved over to Kaldfjorden, where we have rented until today.
Back in Eidkjosen
Ringjord has now moved back to Eidkjosen and established itself in its own, newly refurbished and modern building on a fantastic property by the sea, with its own quay that gives us good opportunities to develop the maritime part of our business in a proper way.
At this new property, we have big plans for a good, sustainable and safe development. Ringjord has always been a company that aims to make sound judgements and viable decisions that qualify us to move into the next 25 years, for the benefit of our customers and ourselves.
It is always a challenge and a difficult exercise to combine dynamism, growth and development with good precautionary principles and we are not "psychic", but we do have the courage and knowledge.
In 2012, we realised that we wanted to seek cooperation with a larger player, which led to us being acquired by Spider. We stayed there for three years and believe we did a solid job of developing the company, before the urge to run our own business came over us and we re-established Ringjord Elektro AS, with the difference being that we now had several owners.
Our time in Spider was educational and useful and we believe, once again in all modesty, that we were a positive element in Spider during our time there.
Ringjord has always been keen to develop new skilled professionals and has always had a strong focus on apprentices.
Ringjord Electrical
- 25 electrical years
The first person to join Ringjord was an apprentice. A couple of years later, Stig O. Lockertsen came on board. After that came Øyvind Pettersen in 2000 and Jonas Eriksen started as an apprentice in 2006. The latter has developed very well, to the delight of customers and colleagues. He qualified as an electrician and later as a case manager. Today, Jonas can be found in the role of Ringjord's NK. Since our neighbour - Eide Handel - uses the expression "heimelaga", we can say that Jonas is "heimeavla".
Our development and growth over many years, with a focus on quality and proper business conduct, has meant that we have developed and evolved in several areas within our profession, where we gradually deliver knowledge and quality in a number of areas, for the benefit and pleasure of our customers, but also with a view to developing the best employees in the profession in the realisation that "desire drives the work", which results in quality.
We look forward to being the preferred supplier in the field in the years to come and look forward to continuing to do a good job with good quality. Many of our customers have been with us all these years.
Many thanks to everyone, both our good and loyal customers and also our good employees and well-qualified suppliers.
We stand firm in these challenging times and wish all our connections all the best and Ringjord aims to be your preferred supplier in the years to come